ଇନ୍ଦିରା ଗାନ୍ଧୀ ବୈଷୟିକ ଅନୁଷ୍ଠାନ, ସରାଙ୍ଗ
An Autonomous Institute of Govt. of Odisha


Title Date Download
Time table for 6th semester B.Tech. 2024-25... 19-12-2024 file_download
Notice for revision of Schedule for 3rd Semester M.Tech MSD... 17-12-2024 file_download
Time table for 8th semester B.Tech. 2024-25... 17-12-2024 file_download
Gradesheets of B. Arch 7th to 9th sem 2018 admission batch... 11-12-2024 file_download
Updated grade statistics of B.Arch 7th-9th Sem 2018 admission batch... 11-12-2024 file_download
Notice for conduct of Machine Dynamics Laboratory-II exam (Regular/Back) for 5th Sem B.Tech (Mechanical Engg, Section B)... 10-12-2024 file_download
Notice for class suspension in view of 3rd Sem B.Tech (Regular & Back) Examination 2024-25... 09-12-2024 file_download
Awareness Programme on MATLAB Campus Wide License... 07-12-2024 file_download
Link for Faculty Registration on MATLAB Campus Wide License... 07-12-2024
Link for student Registration on MATLAB Campus Wide License... 07-12-2024
Mentoring list for B.Tech students for the academic year-2024-25... 05-12-2024 file_download
Mentoring list for M.Sc students for the academic year-2024-25... 05-12-2024 file_download
Mentoring list for MCA students for the academic year-2024-25... 05-12-2024 file_download
Mentoring list for M.Tech students for the academic year-2024-25... 05-12-2024 file_download
Notice for Branch Change Students (2024-25) to appear Internal Examination... 03-12-2024 file_download
Notice for class suspension in view of 5th Sem B.Tech (Regular & Back) Examination 2024-25... 02-12-2024 file_download
Programme for 2nd internal examination of 1st sem Diploma 2024-25... 02-12-2024 file_download
Schedule for 3rd sem B.Tech, MCA, M.Tech and M.Sc Regular/ Back Paper Examination 2024-25... 01-12-2024 file_download
Notice for open Auction on 06.12.2024 at Electrical Engg department... 30-11-2024 file_download
Notice regarding pending Registration Forms for 3rd Sem (Electrical Engg)... 29-11-2024 file_download
Notice for North South Foundation (NSF) Scholarship for the year 2024-25... 29-11-2024 file_download
List of 3rd Sem B.Tech Electrical Engineering registered for Honors and Minor Programs... 29-11-2024 file_download
Notice for conduct of 3rd sem B.Tech, MCA, M.Tech and M.Sc Regular/ Back Paper Examination 2024-25... 27-11-2024 file_download
Programme for Class Test-II of 3rd Semester B.Tech/MCA Students 2024-25... 22-11-2024 file_download
Notice for 2nd Internal Class Test of 3rd Sem M.Tech/M.Sc Students 2024-25... 22-11-2024 file_download
Schedule of 5th Sem B.Tech Regular/ Back Paper Examination 2024-25... 22-11-2024 file_download
Notice for Class Suspension in view of 7th Semester B.Tech (Regular & Back) Examination 2024-25... 20-11-2024 file_download
Notice for 1st, 3rd (Regular & Ex-Regular) & 6th Sem (BP) Diploma Students.. 18-11-2024 file_download
Notice for conduct of 5th Semester Regular/ Back Paper Examination 2024-25... 18-11-2024 file_download
Notice for Closure of Institute on 14/11/2024 on account of Bada Osha... 13-11-2024 file_download
Notice for refund list of Brahmos Bhawan 2023-24 Batch... 10-11-2024 file_download
Notice for PS lab-I viva of 5th Sem B.Tech (EE)... 07-11-2024 file_download
Schedule for 7th Sem B.Tech Regular/ Back paper Examination 2024-25... 07-11-2024 file_download
Office order for Annual Athletic Meet 2024... 05-11-2024 file_download
Nomination notification for cultural association... 05-11-2024 file_download
Notice for 1st sem Diploma 2024 students those have not furnished following documents... 04-11-2024 file_download
Revised Class test - I of 1st Sem B.Tech./MCA 2024-25... 04-11-2024 file_download
Notice for Class test - II of 7th Sem B.Tech 2024-25... 04-11-2024 file_download
Notice for Scholarship... 04-11-2024 file_download
Notice for B.Tech 7th sem Electrical Engg students... 04-11-2024 file_download
Notification for Annual Athletic Meet 2024-25... 04-11-2024 file_download
Notice for conduct of 7th sem Regular/ Back Paper Examination 2024-25... 04-11-2024 file_download
Circular for BPUT Tech Carnival- 2024... 02-11-2024 file_download
Notice for Class test - I of 1st Semester B.Tech/MCA Students 2024-25... 01-11-2024 file_download
Notice for Class test-I of 1st Sem M.Tech./M.Sc Students 2024-25... 01-11-2024 file_download
Circular for change of BAS Timing... 01-11-2024 file_download
Notice for appearing Examination of LE Diploma Students for eligibility for Equivalent examination of +2 Science CHSE Odisha... 01-11-2024 file_download
Notice for Annual Athletic Meet 2024... 01-11-2024 file_download
Updated results of 4th sem Back paper Chemical Engg and Civil Engg... 01-11-2024 file_download
Revised central time table for B.Tech 1st/3rd/5th/7th semester 2024-25... 30-10-2024 file_download
Revised central time table for Diploma 1st/3rd/5th Semester 2024-25... 30-10-2024 file_download
Class timing of the institute on 1st & 3rd (5th) Saturdays... 30-10-2024 file_download
Office order for institute holidays... 30-10-2024 file_download
Notification for e-Medhabruti 2024-25... 27-10-2024 file_download
Re-scheduled Programme for 1st Internal Examination of 1st sem diploma 2024-25... 26-10-2024 file_download
Results of 4th semester B.Tech back paper Exam... 24-10-2024 file_download
Notice for Institute Closure from 23.10.2024 to 25.10.2024 in view of impending Cyclonic storm... 22-10-2024 file_download
Notice for Publication of the results of 4th Sem B.Tech Regular/Back Examination 2023-24. Refer Downloads Section... 22-10-2024 file_download
Programme for 1st Internal Examination of 1st semester Diploma Students 2024-25... 17-10-2024 file_download
Notification for scholarship under SUDAKSHYA Scheme for the AY 2024-25... 08-10-2024 file_download
Notice for defaulter student list of 5th/7th sem B.Tech (EE)... 08-10-2024 file_download
Link for Sudakshya scholarship... 08-10-2024
Notice for Diploma Spot Admission 2024-25... 08-10-2024 file_download
Results of 2nd Semester B.Tech Back Paper Examination 2023-24... 08-10-2024 file_download
Results of 2nd Semester M.Tech Back paper Examination 2023-24... 08-10-2024 file_download
Results of 2nd Semester M.Sc Back paper Examination 2023-24... 08-10-2024 file_download
Revised time table for 1st semester Diploma 2024-25... 07-10-2024 file_download
Branch change B.Tech 2023-24 (Admission Batch)... 04-10-2024 file_download
Notice to defaulter student list B.Tech/Diploma (Electrical Engg)... 04-10-2024 file_download
Programme on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission)... 30-09-2024 file_download
Notice for Odd Semester Back Paper Registration of B.Tech, B.Arch, MCA, M.Tech & M.Sc under IGIT, Autonomy 2024-25... 30-09-2024 file_download
Link for Back Paper Registration under IGIT Autonomy... 30-09-2024
Notification for Reliance Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships 2024-25... 27-09-2024 file_download
Notification for National Scholarship Portal (NSP) under AICTE 2024-25... 27-09-2024 file_download
Notice regarding open elective, honors & minor of 5th Sem, Electrical Engg... 26-09-2024 file_download
Notification regarding subject registration of 7th semester... 25-09-2024 file_download
Notice for one time Form fill up of Diploma Ex Regular (2014 Syllabus)... 23-09-2024 file_download
Notice for Spot admission of 1st year Boys at Akash Bhawan 2024-25... 22-09-2024 file_download
Programme for Internal Examination of 3rd Semester Diploma Students 2024-25... 21-09-2024 file_download
Programme for Internal Examination of 5th Semester Diploma Students 2024-25... 21-09-2024 file_download
Notice for 2nd phase of 1st year boys hostel (Akash Bhawan) allotment 2024-25... 20-09-2024 file_download
Programme for Class Test-I of 3rd Semester B.Tech/MCA 2024-25... 20-09-2024 file_download
Programme for Class Test-I of 5th Semester B.Tech/MCA 2024-25... 20-09-2024 file_download
Programme for Class Test-I of 7th Semester B.Tech 2024-25... 20-09-2024 file_download
Provisional roll sheet of M.Tech/M.Tech PT for 1st year 2024-25... 19-09-2024 file_download
Provisional roll sheet of M.Sc for 1st year 2024-25... 19-09-2024 file_download
Provisional roll sheet of M.C.A for 1st year 2024-25... 19-09-2024 file_download
Provisional roll sheet of B.Tech for 1st year 2024-25... 19-09-2024 file_download
Provisional roll sheet of B.Tech (LE) for 3rd Sem 2024-25... 19-09-2024 file_download
Provisional roll sheet of Diploma for 1st Year 2024-25... 19-09-2024 file_download
Notice for branch Change for 3rd Semester B.Tech Students (2023-24 Admission Batch)... 19-09-2024 file_download
Link for Branch Change 2024-25... 19-09-2024
Notice for 5th Sem B.Tech (Electrical Engg.) students... 18-09-2024 file_download
Results of 2nd Sem B.Tech/MCA/M.Sc 2023-24 have been published.Refer Downloads sections... 18-09-2024 file_download
Notification for District level football tournament... 17-09-2024 file_download
Time table for 1st semester B.Tech/M.C.A 2024-25... 17-09-2024 file_download
Notice for NCC enrolment 2024-25 for SD/SW Cadets... 17-09-2024 file_download
Student Induction Programme for B.Tech 2024-2025... 16-09-2024 file_download
Notice regarding short attendance in AEC (Electrical Engg.)... 13-09-2024 file_download
Notice for 3rd Sem B.Tech (Electrical Engg.)... 10-09-2024 file_download
Notice for publication of results of PhD coursework Exam 2023-24.. 04-09-2024 file_download
Notice for Holiday on 09.09.2024 (Monday) in view of Nuakhai... 03-09-2024 file_download
Notice for Mess Dues of Prithvi Bhawan Boarders... 02-09-2024 file_download
Notice for Publication of the results of 6th Sem B.Tech Regular Examination 2023-24. Refer Downloads Section... 31-08-2024 file_download
Notice for 2nd Phase allotment of Agni Bhawan... 26-08-2024 file_download
Notice regarding availability of Provisional Certificates and Grade sheets of eligible UG and PG students 2023-24... 23-08-2024 file_download
List of eligible students for receiving B.Arch (Regular) 2023-24... 23-08-2024 file_download
List of eligible students for receiving UG (Regular) 2023-24... 23-08-2024 file_download
List of eligible students for receiving UG (Back) 2023-24... 23-08-2024 file_download
List of eligible students for receiving PG (Regular and Back) 2023-24... 23-08-2024 file_download
Notice for 7th Sem B.Tech (Electrical Engg.) students... 21-08-2024 file_download
Time table for 1st semester Diploma 2024-25... 21-08-2024 file_download
Revised schedule for Student Induction Programme Diploma 2024-25... 20-08-2024 file_download
Notice regarding open elective allotment (5th/7th Sem) of Electrical Engg students... 20-08-2024 file_download
Notice for Student Induction Programme (SIP) Diploma 2024-25... 17-08-2024 file_download
Notice for Skilling Programme by OSDA in collaboration with Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT), IIT Delhi... 17-08-2024 file_download
Link for Enrolment Process of FITT-IIT Delhi... 17-08-2024
Notice for allotment of Rohini Bhawan for 1st Year Diploma Girls ... 12-08-2024 file_download
Notice for Celebration of 78th Independence Day and Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign... 12-08-2024 file_download
Notice for hostel allotment of Agni Bhawan 2024-25... 11-08-2024 file_download
Notice for Open Elective allotment of 5th Sem B.Tech 2024-25... 10-08-2024 file_download
Notice for Open Elective allotment of 7th Sem B.Tech 2024-25... 10-08-2024 file_download
Notice for 3rd/5th sem boarders of Aryabhatt Bhawan... 04-08-2024 file_download
Notification for section allotment and B.Tech LE admission of 3rd Semester for the AY 2024-25... 31-07-2024 file_download
Corrigendum notice for Hostel Payment through SB Collect of 3rd sem B.Tech 2024-25... 30-07-2024 file_download
Notice for registration of 3rd Sem B.Tech/M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc students... 29-07-2024 file_download
Notice for 3rd Phase allotment 4th year Brahmos Bhawan 2024-25... 27-07-2024 file_download
Time table for 5th Semester B.Tech 2024-25... 26-07-2024 file_download
Time table for 3rd Semester B.Tech 2024-25... 26-07-2024 file_download
Updated results of B.Arch back paper 2019 Admission Batch (4th to 10 sem)... 26-07-2024 file_download
Notice for 2nd allotment of Aryabhatta Bhawan 2024-25... 24-07-2024 file_download
Circular for EBMS/Girls Topper Scholarship for Diploma Students... 24-07-2024 file_download
Notice for Open Elective of 5th Sem B.Tech 2024-25... 24-07-2024 file_download
Link for Open Elective B.Tech 5th Sem 2024-25... 24-07-2024
Notice for Open Elective of 7th Sem B.Tech 2024-25... 24-07-2024 file_download
Link for Open Elective B.Tech 7th Sem 2024-25... 24-07-2024
Notice for deposition of Mess Dues of 2nd year boarders of Agni Bhawan... 22-07-2024 file_download
Notice for deposition of Mess Dues of 3rd year boarders of Agni Bhawan... 22-07-2024 file_download
Notice for 2nd phase allotment of Brahmos Bhawan 2024-25... 21-07-2024 file_download
Reporting of candidates for Final Admission into 3rd sem (LE), B.Tech Programme for the Academic Session 2024-25... 20-07-2024 file_download
Notice for deposition of Mess dues of Odd Semester (B.Tech/MCA) Boarders of Rohini Bhawan... 20-07-2024 file_download
Notice for Bhaskar Bhawan Provisional Allotment List for 2nd Year B.Tech 2024-25... 20-07-2024 file_download
Link for IGIT ERP portal for B.Tech Admission... 20-07-2024
Corrigendum notice for Hostel Payment through SB Collect of 5th & 7th sem B.Tech students 2024-25... 19-07-2024 file_download
Notice for shifting of Classroom (Hall-03/04/05/06) to Hall-01/02, Room no. 205/206 from 19/07/2024... 18-07-2024 file_download
Notice for students attendance through ERP Portal (B.Tech 5th & 7th Semester)... 18-07-2024 file_download
Notice for Admission in to Diploma freshers students of 1st Round for the AY 2024-25... 16-07-2024 file_download
Notice for class relocation of 7th Sem B.Tech Students... 16-07-2024 file_download
Extension of Dates for Admission into Regular Two-Year Master of Science (M.Sc) Programme-2024... 16-07-2024 file_download
Notice for Class Start and Registration of 5th & 7th Sem B.Tech Students 2024-25... 16-07-2024 file_download
Notice regarding Hostel allotment at Brahmos Bhawan... 14-07-2024 file_download
Circular on the celebration of World Youth Skills Day 2024... 13-07-2024 file_download
Notice for Aryabhatta hostel allotment 2024-25... 12-07-2024 file_download
Updated results of B.Tech 2019 admission batch Back Paper... 12-07-2024 file_download
Notice for Re-Admission of 3rd & 5th Semester Diploma Students 2024-25... 11-07-2024 file_download
Time table for 7th semester B.Tech 2024-25... 09-07-2024 file_download
Rescheduling of 2nd sem B.Tech/M.C.A/M.Tech and M.Sc Regular/ Back paper Exam 2023-24... 05-07-2024 file_download
Turninitin Originality check access... 05-07-2024 file_download
Notice for Fill Up Google form for Refund of Caution Money 2024 Pass out students... 05-07-2024 file_download
Link of Google form for Refund of Caution Money 2024 Pass out students... 05-07-2024
Revised schedule for 4th Sem B.Tech Regular/back paper examiination 2023-24... 05-07-2024 file_download
Notice for apply CLC & Conduct and edit student profile through ERP 2024 Pass out students... 04-07-2024 file_download
Submission of defaulter students list for 2024 pass out students... 04-07-2024 file_download
Notice for receiving of ID of 2023-24 admission batch students... 03-07-2024 file_download
Notification for Brahmos Bhawan Hostel Fee Payment and Provisional Allotment List for the session 2024-25... 29-06-2024 file_download
Time table for 3rd semester Diploma 2024-25... 29-06-2024 file_download
Time table for 5th semester Diploma 2024-25... 29-06-2024 file_download
Updated Results of B.Arch 2019 Admission Batch students (1st-10th semester)... 27-06-2024 file_download
Notice for conduct of 4th Sem B.Tech Regular/ Back Paper and 4th Sem B.Arch Back paper Examination 2023-24... 27-06-2024 file_download
Schedule for 2nd Semester PhD Examination... 25-06-2024 file_download
Notification for Bhaskar Bhawan hostel fees and the provisional allotment list for the session 2024-25... 24-06-2024 file_download
Academic Calender 2024-2025... 19-06-2024 file_download
Provisional allotted list of Surya Bhawan for the session 2024-25... 11-06-2024 file_download
Notice for conduct of 2nd semester B,Tech, M.Tech, M.Sc and MCA regular/back paper examination 2023-24... 08-06-2024 file_download
Schedule for 2nd Sem B.Tech/M.Tech/M.Sc/M.C.A regular/back paper examination 2023-24... 08-06-2024 file_download
Publication of 8th sem B.Tech, 4th sem MCA/M.Tech/M.Sc regular results.Refer Downloads section... 03-06-2024 file_download
Results of 4th Sem M.Tech back paper 2023-24... 03-06-2024 file_download
Results of 6th Sem B.Tech (all branches) back paper 2023-24... 03-06-2024 file_download
Results of 4th Sem M.Sc (applied physics) back paper 2023-24... 03-06-2024 file_download
Notice for Merit list of EBMS/Girls Topper Scholarship for 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester 2021 (Winter)... 01-06-2024 file_download
Notice for hostel allotment... 01-06-2024 file_download
Circular for Summer Camp for Aspiring Diploma Students... 31-05-2024 file_download
Link for Summer Camp for Diploma students... 31-05-2024
Result of 1st Semester M.Tech Back paper Examination 2023-24... 31-05-2024 file_download
Result of 1st Semester B.Tech Back paper Examination 2023-24... 31-05-2024 file_download
Result of 1st Semester M.Sc Back paper Examination 2023-24... 31-05-2024 file_download
Result of 1st Semester M.C.A Back paper Examination 2023-24... 31-05-2024 file_download
Circular for institute closure on 25/05/2024 on account of General Election 2024... 24-05-2024 file_download
Notice for Class Start of 3rd & 5th Semester Diploma Students 2024... 21-05-2024 file_download
Academic Calender 2024-2025... 17-05-2024 file_download
Notice to all B.Tech/M.Tech/M.Sc/Diploma students 2023-24 Admission Batch for receiving Institute Prospectus... 09-05-2024 file_download
Publication of the results of 1st sem B.Tech/MCA/M.Tech/M.Sc Regular and back paper Examination 2023-24.Refer Downloads section... 09-05-2024 file_download
Notice regarding closing of mess and vacating Prithvi Bhawan hostel... 06-05-2024 file_download
Revised timing of Programme for Class Test-II of 2nd Semester B.Tech/MCA students 2023-24... 04-05-2024 file_download
Notification for NPTEL July 2024 Semester Courses for SWAYAM (Upcoming Semester)... 02-05-2024 file_download
Notice for invitation of Final year B.Tech Students to Alumni Induction Program... 02-05-2024 file_download
Notification for change in exam timings of 6th/8th B.Tech/10th B.Arch, 4th MCA/MSc and 3rd sem tenure over cases... 29-04-2024 file_download
Notice for rescheduling of 8th Sem B.Tech (All branches) and 4th Sem M.C.A exam on 29.04.2024... 27-04-2024 file_download
Notice for Class Suspended in view of Even Semester (Regular & Back) Examination 2023-24... 26-04-2024 file_download
Notice for rescheduling of Internal Class Test-II of 8th Sem B.Tech Students 2023-24... 20-04-2024 file_download
Notice for Form Fill up of Diploma Students with Fine Rs.2000/-... 20-04-2024 file_download
Notice for filling option form for Old/New Tax Regime (FY 2024-25)... 19-04-2024 file_download
Google form for filling option for Old/New Tax Regime... 19-04-2024
Notice for even semester exam schedule 2023-24 (6th ,8th B.Tech, 6th, 10th BArch, 4th MCA, MSc) and 3rd BTech tenure over cases... 19-04-2024 file_download
Notice for conduct of 6th Sem B.Tech, 8th Sem B.Tech, 10 th Sem B.Arch and 4th Sem MCA, M.Tech, M.Sc regular/ Back Paper Exam 2023-24... 15-04-2024 file_download
Notice for rescheduling of Internal Class Test of 8th Semester B.Tech 2023-24... 14-04-2024 file_download
Notice for Even Semester Registration those who have not yet completed the Registration Process... 10-04-2024 file_download
Circular for Workshop on Autodesk Fusion 360 from 15th Apr to 18th Apr 2024... 10-04-2024 file_download
Registration link for faculty on Autodesk Fusion Workshop ... 10-04-2024
Registration link for Students on Autodesk Fusion Workshop... 10-04-2024
Results of 3rd Semester back paper of B.Tech 2020 and 2021 admission batch.. 09-04-2024 file_download
Results of 3rd Semester back paper of M.Tech 2020 and 2021 admission batch... 09-04-2024 file_download
Results of 3rd Semester back paper of M.Sc 2020 and 2021 admission batch... 09-04-2024 file_download
Back Paper Registration (Tenure Over Cases) of B.Tech (2017), MCA, M.Tech & M.Sc (2019) Admission Batch students under IGIT, Autonomy... 09-04-2024 file_download
Link for Back Paper Registration (Tenure Over Cases)... 09-04-2024
Notice for ISRO START Programme 2024... 06-04-2024 file_download
Notice for deposition of Mess Advance of Agni Bhawan Boarders... 06-04-2024 file_download
Programme for Class Test-II of 4th B.Tech, MCA, 6th , 8th B.Tech and 10th B.Arch Students 2023-24... 06-04-2024 file_download
Notice for Diploma Branch Change 2023-24... 03-04-2024 file_download
Notice for deposition of Mess Dues of Prithvi Bhawan Boarders (B.Tech/B.Arch)... 02-04-2024 file_download
Notice for form Fill-up/Registration of Diploma 2nd, 4th, 6th & 5th (BP) of Summer 2024... 02-04-2024 file_download
Updated results of B.Tech 2017 admission batch... 02-04-2024 file_download
Updated results of B.Tech 2019 admission batch... 02-04-2024 file_download
Notice for Funfair 2024... 28-03-2024 file_download
Office order for attending sports competition at OUTR, Bhubaneswar... 28-03-2024 file_download
Circular for Meet and Greet Ceremony... 28-03-2024 file_download
Office order for various Cultural Events (Degree)... 28-03-2024 file_download
Office order for various Cultural Events (Diploma)... 28-03-2024 file_download
Notice for third year hostel allotment... 27-03-2024 file_download
Circular for Celebration of Holi... 23-03-2024 file_download
Circular for summer working hour of the Institute 2024... 21-03-2024 file_download
Corrigendum notice for Diploma Branch Change 2023-24... 19-03-2024 file_download
Notice for Publication of the results of 3rd Sem B.Tech/M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc Regular Back Examination 2023-24. Refer Downloads Section... 18-03-2024 file_download
Office Order for HORIZON-2024... 16-03-2024 file_download
Schedule for HORIZON-2024... 15-03-2024 file_download
Notice for even semester registration of B.Tech, MCA, M.Tech. M.Sc... 14-03-2024 file_download
Link for provisional grade sheets of 9th Semester B.Arch 2019 admission batch... 14-03-2024
Notice for final year Hostel allotment 2024-25... 13-03-2024 file_download
Notice regarding Annual Literary Magazine Technoquest 2023... 13-03-2024 file_download
Notice for diploma branch change... 12-03-2024 file_download
Notice for Publication of results of 9th Sem Regular and 5th, 7th sem back B.Arch Examination 2023-24... 12-03-2024 file_download
Updated provisional results B.Arch 2019 admission batch updated with back paper results... 12-03-2024 file_download
Notice for1st Internal Class Test of 2nd Semester M.Tech/M.Sc 2023-24... 07-03-2024 file_download
Programme for Class Test-I of 2nd Semester B.Tech/M.C.A 2023-24... 06-03-2024 file_download
Circular for Final and Pre-final year B.Tech students... 02-03-2024 file_download
Notice for even semester back registration of B.Tech/B.Arch/MCA/M.Tech/M.Sc under BPUT System... 02-03-2024 file_download
Link for Back Paper Registration under BPUT System... 02-03-2024
Notice for online awareness programme on Digital Skilling by Coursera & Unitech... 26-02-2024 file_download
Results of 5th Sem B.Tech Back Paper 2020 admission batch... 26-02-2024 file_download
Gradesheets for B.Tech 7th Sem 2020 admission batch are available in student individual ERP login... 26-02-2024
Notice for availability of Photocopy Facility in the Central Library... 23-02-2024 file_download
Programme for Class Test-I of 4th/6th/8th semester B.Tech, 4th semester M.C.A and 10th semester B.Arch 2023-24... 22-02-2024 file_download
Notification for 1st Internal Class Test of 4th Sem M.Tech/M.Sc 2023-24... 22-02-2024 file_download
Notice for timing change of programme for Class Test-I of B.Tech/MCA/B.Arch 2023-24... 22-02-2024 file_download
Notice for awareness programme on Digital Skilling... 21-02-2024 file_download
Notice for even semester back paper registration of B.Tech, B.Arch, M.C.A, M.Tech under Autonomy... 17-02-2024 file_download
Link for Back Paper registration under Autonomy... 17-02-2024
Circular for student representatives for different societies/clubs/associations... 16-02-2024 file_download
Notice for submission of hard copy for different scholarship of 2023-24... 15-02-2024 file_download
Notice for NAU-O Scholarship 2023-24... 15-02-2024 file_download
Notice for reminder Mess fee of Akash Bhawan... 13-02-2024 file_download
Notice for even semester registration through ERP (Extended to 25.02.2024 with a Rs 1000/- fine)... 12-02-2024 file_download
Notice for the Mess Advance deposit of Agni Bhawan... 10-02-2024 file_download
Corrigendum against Office Order for Horizon-2024... 09-02-2024 file_download
Brochure of Technovation 5.0 to be conducted by CSEA department (14-16th March 2024)... 09-02-2024 file_download
Notice for publication of results of 5th Sem B.Tech Regular Exam 2023-24.Refer Downloads section... 09-02-2024 file_download
Notice for re-admission of 2nd Semester Diploma Students 2023-24... 03-02-2024 file_download
Circular for Closing Function of NUA-O Odia Festival in view of World Odia Language Conference... 02-02-2024 file_download
Circular for Timing of Central Library... 02-02-2024 file_download
Notice for deposition of Mess Dues for Even Semester of Prithvi Bhawan Boarders... 30-01-2024 file_download
Notice for re-admission of 4th & 6th Semester Diploma 2023-24... 29-01-2024 file_download
Notice for extension of date for even semester registration through ERP... 25-01-2024 file_download
Notice for Open Elective allotment of 4th Sem B.Tech 2023-24... 25-01-2024 file_download
Time table for 2nd semester Diploma 2023-24... 25-01-2024 file_download
Notice for publication of results of 7th Sem B.Tech Regular Examination 2023-24.Refer Downloads section... 25-01-2024 file_download
Notice for even semester mess dues of Rohini Bhawan (B.Tech/MCA/Diploma)... 22-01-2024 file_download
Notice for half day holiday till 2.30 PM on 22.01.2024 in view of celebration of the Ram Lalla Pran Partistha at Ayodhya... 20-01-2024 file_download
Notice for Akash Bhawan... 20-01-2024 file_download
Diploma Winter-2023 Examination will be conducted as per the Examination schedule from 20.01.2024 to 27.01.2024 as usual... 20-01-2024 file_download
Notice for Celebration of Voters Day for different activities... 19-01-2024 file_download
Notice for all B.Tech, MCA, M.Tech & M.Sc students update their details through ERP Portal... 18-01-2024 file_download
Notice for Holiday on 17.01.2024 in view of inauguration ceremony of the Shreemandira Parikrama Prakalpa at Puri... 16-01-2024 file_download
Postponement of Diploma Winter Practical Examination 2023 on dt-17/01/2024... 16-01-2024 file_download
Time table for 4th semester Diploma 2023-24... 15-01-2024 file_download
Time table for 6th semester Diploma 2023-24... 15-01-2024 file_download
Time table for 2nd semester B.Tech 2023-24... 15-01-2024 file_download
Circular for Digital Skilling... 13-01-2024 file_download
Notice for Class Start of Even Semester (2nd/4th/6th) Diploma 2023-24... 11-01-2024 file_download
Notice for Even Semester (4th/6th/8th) B.Tech 2023-24... 11-01-2024 file_download
Notice for Open Elective allotment of 6th Sem B.Tech 2023-24... 11-01-2024 file_download
MOOCs Course of 6th Semester B.Tech Students 2023-24 (2021 admission batch)... 09-01-2024 file_download
Summary sitting chart for 10th Jan 2024 Examination... 09-01-2024 file_download
Sitting Arrangement for 8th January 2024 examination... 07-01-2024 file_download
Notice for Open Elective of 4th Semester B.Tech 2023-24... 05-01-2024 file_download
Link for B.Tech 4th Semester Open Elective 2023-24... 05-01-2024
Sitting Arrangement for 6th January 2024 examination... 04-01-2024 file_download
Sitting Arrangement for 4th January 2024 examination... 02-01-2024 file_download
Summary sitting chart for 02nd Jan 2024 Examination... 01-01-2024 file_download