ଇନ୍ଦିରା ଗାନ୍ଧୀ ବୈଷୟିକ ଅନୁଷ୍ଠାନ, ସରାଙ୍ଗ
An Autonomous Institute of Govt. of Odisha


Title Date Download
Roll Sheet of B.Tech/M.C.A 1st year for the AY 2023-24... 30-12-2023 file_download
Roll Sheet of B.Tech (LE) for the AY 2023-24... 30-12-2023 file_download
Roll Sheet of M.Sc for the AY 2023-24... 30-12-2023 file_download
Roll Sheet of M.Tech for the AY 2023-24... 30-12-2023 file_download
Holiday list for the calendar year 2024... 30-12-2023 file_download
Notice for class Suspension in view of 1st Semester, B.Tech/MCA/M.Tech and M.Sc (Regular & Back) Examination 2023-24... 29-12-2023 file_download
Time table for 4th semester B.Tech. 2023-24... 29-12-2023 file_download
Link for Submission of Bank details for transfer of Caution money and available balance Mess advance of Prithvi Bhawan... 27-12-2023
Registration data for 1st Semester B.Tech, MCA, M.Tech and M.Sc back paper... 26-12-2023 file_download
Time table for 6th semester B.Tech 2023-24... 25-12-2023 file_download
Time table for 8th semester B.Tech 2023-24... 25-12-2023 file_download
Schedule for 1st semester B.Tech, MCA, M.Tech, M.Sc Regular Back Exam 2023-24... 24-12-2023 file_download
Schedule for PhD course work Exam 2023-24... 24-12-2023 file_download
Notice for all B.Tech, MCA, M.Tech, M.Sc & B.Tech (LE) students 2023-24 Admission Batch to Collect their Registration Card... 23-12-2023 file_download
Notice for B.Tech Branch Change students... 23-12-2023 file_download
Notice for class start & registration of Even Semester of all (UG & PG) students 2023-24... 23-12-2023 file_download
Summary sitting Chart for 22/12/2023-3rd sem regular/back exam-2023-24... 21-12-2023 file_download
Programme for Class Test-II of 1st Sem B.Tech/MCA students 2023-24... 20-12-2023 file_download
Notice for mess dues of Brahmos Bhawan for even Semester 2023-24... 20-12-2023 file_download
Notice for 6th Sem Open Elective B.Tech 2023-24... 19-12-2023 file_download
Link for 6th sem open elective 2023-24... 19-12-2023
Notice for conduct of 1st sem B.Tech, MCA, M.Tech, M.Sc Regular/ Back Paper Exam and PhD Course work Exam 2023-24... 18-12-2023 file_download
Seating Summary Chart -18/12/2023-3rd sem reg/back -2023-24... 17-12-2023 file_download
Notice for class suspension on dates of 3rd Sem examination ... 15-12-2023 file_download
Summary sitting chart for 16th Dec 2023 Examination... 15-12-2023 file_download
Summary sitting chart for 5th Sem Hons-Minor on 15th Dec Examination... 14-12-2023 file_download
Schedule for Ph.D course work Examination... 14-12-2023 file_download
Summary Sitting chart for 5th Sem B.Tech Open elective Examination dated 13.12.2023... 12-12-2023 file_download
Summary Sitting chart for 7th Sem B.Tech Open elective Examination dated 12.12.2023... 11-12-2023 file_download
Schedule for 3rd Sem Back Exam B.Tech 2017 admission batch... 10-12-2023 file_download
Schedule of 3rd Sem B.Tech, B.Arch, MCA, M.Tech and M.Sc Regular/ Back Paper Examination 2023-24... 07-12-2023 file_download
Notice for India Skills Competition 2023-24... 07-12-2023 file_download
Notice regarding registration process and other details for India Skills Competition 2023-24... 07-12-2023 file_download
Circular for Closing Ceremony of Integrated Youth Development Programme (IYDP)... 07-12-2023 file_download
Notice for holiday on 05.12.2023 on account of Prathamastami... 04-12-2023 file_download
Notice for postponement of 5th Semester regular and back Exam on 05.12.23... 04-12-2023 file_download
Roll Sheet of Diploma 1st Year for the AY 2023-24... 02-12-2023 file_download
Notice regarding class suspension in view of 5th/7th Sem B.Tech (Regular & Back) Examination 2023-24... 01-12-2023 file_download
Summary sitting chart for 5th Sem Regular/back Examination... 01-12-2023 file_download
Notice for conduct of 3rd Sem B.Tech/B.Arch/M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc Regular and Back paper Exam 2023-24... 01-12-2023 file_download
Summary sitting chart for 7th sem regular/back exam dated 01.12.2023... 30-11-2023 file_download
List of Registered students for 5th Sem examination 2023-24... 23-11-2023 file_download
Registration certificates of Diploma LE Students 2023-24... 23-11-2023 file_download
Notice for class Suspension in view of Annual Athletic Meet 2023-24... 22-11-2023 file_download
Schedule of 5th Sem B.Tech and B.Arch Regular/ Back Paper Examination 2023-24... 21-11-2023 file_download
Schedule of 7th Sem B.Tech and B.Arch Regular/ Back Paper Examination 2023-24... 21-11-2023 file_download
Office order for Annual Athletic Meet 2023-24... 21-11-2023 file_download
List of registered students of 7th Sem B.Tech Regular Examination for AY 2023-24... 20-11-2023 file_download
Notice for Annual Athletic Meet November 2023... 20-11-2023 file_download
Programme for Class Test-II of 3rd Sem B.Tech/MCA students 2023-24... 20-11-2023 file_download
Notice regarding class suspension in New Academic Building... 20-11-2023 file_download
Roll Sheet of Diploma 2nd Year (LE) for the AY 2023-24... 18-11-2023 file_download
Office order for Integrated Youth Development Programme (IYDP)... 17-11-2023 file_download
Circular for workshop on MATLAB & SIMULINK on 22 Nov 2023... 15-11-2023 file_download
Link for live seminar on MATLAB & SIMULINK on 22 Nov 2023... 15-11-2023
Circular for Integrated youth Development Programme (IYDP)... 14-11-2023 file_download
Notification for IYDP, Block and District Level Sports Competition Participation... 14-11-2023 file_download
Link for Team registration... 14-11-2023
Notice for conduct of 5th Sem B.Tech/B.Arch/MCA and 7th Sem B.Tech/B.Arch Regular/ Back Paper examination December 2023... 14-11-2023 file_download
Notice regarding assignment of Mentor for B.Tech/M.C.A/M.Sc... 13-11-2023 file_download
Notice regarding class suspension in view of 5th/7th Sem class test-II 2023-24... 11-11-2023 file_download
Notification for hostel Diwali... 10-11-2023 file_download
Notice for Form Fill-up of 1st, 3rd, 5th & 6th (BP) Diploma 2023-24... 10-11-2023 file_download
Notice for Startup Odisha Yatra 2023 Bootcamp... 09-11-2023 file_download
Notice for payment of differential amount after Sliding for the AY 2023-24... 09-11-2023 file_download
Notice for odd Sem back paper registration of B.Tech/B.Arch/MCA/M.Tech/M.Sc... 09-11-2023 file_download
Link for odd sem back paper registration of B.Tech/B.Arch/M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc... 09-11-2023
Programme for Class Test-II of 5th Sem B.Tech Students 2023-24... 08-11-2023 file_download
Programme for Class Test-II of 7th Sem B.Tech Students 2023-24... 08-11-2023 file_download
Notification for NUA Scheme... 06-11-2023 file_download
Programme for Class Test-I of 1st Sem B.Tech/MCA students 2023-24... 01-11-2023 file_download
Notice regarding class suspension... 01-11-2023 file_download
Spot admission for vacant seats B.Tech, B.Tech (LE), M.Tech and M.Tech (PT)... 28-10-2023 file_download
Spot round admission against vacant seats of B.Tech/B.Tech (LE)/M.Tech Courses on 30/10/2023... 26-10-2023 file_download
Notification for Cultural association nomination... 21-10-2023 file_download
Notification for National Scholarship Portal (NSP) 2023-24... 18-10-2023 file_download
Publication of 4th Sem B.Tech results (Regular and Back Paper 2022-23).Refer Downloads section... 18-10-2023 file_download
Notice for Branch Change of 3rd Sem B.Tech Students (2022-23 Admission Batch)... 17-10-2023 file_download
Notice for deposition of CLC & Migration certificate of Diploma Students for the AY 2023-24... 13-10-2023 file_download
Updated results of 2nd Sem back Paper 2020 and 2021 admission batch... 13-10-2023 file_download
Results of 4th Sem back paper 2020 admission batch... 13-10-2023 file_download
Format for Bonafied Hosteller/Boarder Student Declaration Certificate for uploading of Odisha State Scholarship Portal 2023-24... 11-10-2023 file_download
Notification for hostel leave... 10-10-2023 file_download
Results of B.Tech 2nd Sem Back Paper... 05-10-2023 file_download
NSF Scholarship 2023-24 for Diploma Students... 04-10-2023 file_download
Merit Scholarship for Children of Ex-Servicemen/Widows... 04-10-2023 file_download
Notice for class Suspension from 03/10/2023 to 06/10/2023... 03-10-2023 file_download
Circular for Anti-Ragging... 30-09-2023 file_download
Notification for scholarship under SUDAKSHYA Scheme... 29-09-2023 file_download
Notice for Institute holiday on account of birthday of Prophet Muhammad on 28.09.2023... 27-09-2023 file_download
Programme for Class Test-I of 3rd Semester B.Tech/MCA students 2023-24... 27-09-2023 file_download
Publication notice for 2nd sem B.Tech/M.Tech/M.C.A/ M.Sc results of 2022 admission batch. Refer Downloads Section... 27-09-2023 file_download
Notice for Branch Representatives... 27-09-2023 file_download
Circular for Student Activities... 27-09-2023 file_download
Notice for Branch Change of 3rd Semester B.Tech Students (2022 Admission Batch)... 27-09-2023 file_download
Link for Branch Change 2023-24... 27-09-2023
Circular for Startup Yatra-2023... 27-09-2023 file_download
Notice for renewal of Post Matric Scholarship for the Year 2023-24... 26-09-2023 file_download
Notification for AICTE PG Scholarship for M.Tech Students for the AY. 2023-24... 26-09-2023 file_download
Notice for scholarship for Meritorious students arranged by Vikash Educational Charitable Trust... 26-09-2023 file_download
Foundation for Excellence Scholarship Program 2023-24... 26-09-2023 file_download
Prof. Ghanashyam Dash Scholarship 2023 (Bansidhar & Ila Panda Foundation)... 26-09-2023 file_download
Notice for class Suspension on 26/09/2023... 25-09-2023 file_download
Updated marks of B.Tech MME 2017 Admisson Batch updated with 2nd Sem back paper results... 25-09-2023 file_download
Cancellation of Notice No-IGIT/Aca-Exam-1277, Dated-05/09/2023... 25-09-2023 file_download
Updated grade statistics of B.Tech ETC Engg 2019 adm batch... 22-09-2023 file_download
List of pass out students after updating back papers and anomalies... 22-09-2023 file_download
Provisional Roll Sheet of B.Tech for the AY 2023-24... 22-09-2023 file_download
Provisional Roll Sheet of B.Tech (LE) for the AY 2023-24... 22-09-2023 file_download
Provisional Roll Sheet of MCA for the AY 2023-24... 22-09-2023 file_download
Provisional Roll Sheet of M.Sc for the AY 2023-24... 22-09-2023 file_download
Provisional Roll Sheet of M.Tech for the AY 2023-24... 22-09-2023 file_download
Notice for extension of date for Odd sem registration through Institute ERP... 21-09-2023 file_download
Link for odd Semester back paper Registration of B.Arch under BPUT, System... 17-09-2023
Notice for odd Sem back paper registration of 9th Sem B.Arch under BPUT, System... 16-09-2023 file_download
Publication notice for results of 6th Sem B.Tech Regular Examination 2022-23. Refer Downloads section... 15-09-2023 file_download
Notification for hostel allotment for M.Sc AND M.Tech... 14-09-2023 file_download
Notice for NCC enrolment 2023-24... 14-09-2023 file_download
Notice for celebration of 56th Engineering Day... 13-09-2023 file_download
Revised vacant seats for Spot Admission on 14/09/2023... 13-09-2023 file_download
Notice for Second phase of hostel allotment for first year (boys)... 12-09-2023 file_download
Payment of differential amount through Sliding for the AY 2023-24... 12-09-2023 file_download
Notice for deposition of Odd (7th Semester) Mess Dues of Prithvi Bhawan Boarders 2023-24... 11-09-2023 file_download
Notice for Class Start of M.Tech, MCA, & M.Sc Students for the AY 2023-24... 10-09-2023 file_download
Notice for hostel allotment 2023-24 (MCA)... 09-09-2023 file_download
Reporting of Candidates for Final Admission into 1st year B.Tech (SPOT) Programme for the AY 2023-24... 09-09-2023 file_download
Reporting of Candidates for Final Admission into 1st year B.Tech (SPOT) Programme for the AY 2023-24... 08-09-2023 file_download
Allotted Student list of spot admission at IGIT Sarang... 08-09-2023 file_download
Link for Freshers reporting 2023-24... 08-09-2023
Link for Spot Registration 2023-24... 08-09-2023
Reminder Notice to first year B.Tech for reporting at Akash Bhawan... 07-09-2023 file_download
Publication of Spot Counselling Results 2023-24 and notice for depositing their Part-admission fees... 07-09-2023 file_download
Notice for hostel allotment of Rohini Bhawan (MCA) students 2023-24... 07-09-2023 file_download
Notice for odd semester registration from 11/09/2023 through ERP... 07-09-2023 file_download
Link for Odd sem registration... 07-09-2023
Programme for Class Test-I of 5th Semester B.Tech 2023-24... 05-09-2023 file_download
Notice for Class Suspension in view of the 5th and 7th Internal Examination 2023-24... 05-09-2023 file_download
Counselling for Admission into Two years Regular M.Sc Programme 2023-24... 05-09-2023 file_download
Programme for Class Test-I of 7th Semester B.Tech 2023-24... 05-09-2023 file_download
Spot Admission for Vacant Seats of B.Tech Students for the AY 2023-24... 03-09-2023 file_download
Reporting of Candidates for Final Admission in to 1st Year MCA/M.Tech Programme for the AY 2023-24... 03-09-2023 file_download
Provisional Roll Sheet of B.Tech 1st Year for the AY 2023-24... 03-09-2023 file_download
Vacancy for B.Tech Spot Admission 2023-24... 03-09-2023 file_download
Sliding data of B.Tech Students for the AY 2023-24... 03-09-2023 file_download
Rank list of M.Sc PG (Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry & Applied Mathematics) for the AY 2023-24... 03-09-2023 file_download
Notice for Student Induction Programme (SIP) 2023-24... 02-09-2023 file_download
Time table for 1st semester B. Tech 2023-24... 01-09-2023 file_download
Notice for 1st year Boys hostel allotment 2023-24... 31-08-2023 file_download
Notice for hostel allotment of Rohini Bhawan (Girls) for the Session 2023-24... 31-08-2023 file_download
Notice for Lateral Entry (LE) Admission Diploma 2nd Year Students 2023-24... 30-08-2023 file_download
Notice for Elocution Competition on the occasion of 56th Engineers Day... 29-08-2023 file_download
Revised regular registration of 3rd/5th/7th/9th Sem B.Tech/B.Arch/M.Tech/MCA/M.Sc 2023-24... 29-08-2023 file_download
Link for elocution competition on 07.09.2023... 29-08-2023
Notice for celebration of National Sports Day on 29.08.2023... 28-08-2023 file_download
Notice for 2nd allotment list of Aryabhatt Bhawan... 25-08-2023 file_download
Notice for regular registration of 3rd/5th/7th/9th Sem B.Tech/B.Arch/M.Tech/MCA/M.Sc 2023-24... 22-08-2023 file_download
Notice for filling Google form for uploading of Enhancing Soft Skill & Personality under NPTEL course for 7th sem 2023-24... 22-08-2023 file_download
Link for uploading data of Enhancing Soft Skill & Personality under NPTEL course... 22-08-2023
Notice for 2nd Phase allotment Agni Bhawan... 21-08-2023 file_download
For any queries related to admission feel free to drop a mail at [email protected]... 20-08-2023
Notice for seat allotment at Aryabhatta Bhawan 2023-24... 19-08-2023 file_download
Instruction to Register & Fill up the Data Sheet through Institute ERP... 19-08-2023 file_download
Notice for closing ceremony of Anti-Ragging Week on 18/08/2023... 18-08-2023 file_download
Notice for M.C.A hostel allotment in Brahmos Bhawan... 18-08-2023 file_download
Corrigendum notice for reporting of candidates for final admission in to B.Tech (LE) CSE & ETC for the AY-2023-24... 18-08-2023 file_download
Notice for reporting of candidates for Final Admission in to 1st Year B.Tech & B.Tech (LE) programme for the Academic Session 2023-24... 17-08-2023 file_download
Notice for ISRO Start programme exam along with examination procedure... 17-08-2023 file_download
Notice for Aadhar based Biometric Authentication of Fresh & Renewal NSP Scholarship 2022-23... 17-08-2023 file_download
Time table for 1st semester Diploma 2023-24... 14-08-2023 file_download
Celebration of Anti-Ragging Week from 12/08/2023 to 18/08/2023... 10-08-2023 file_download
Notice for class suspension of Diploma 3rd & 5th Semester on 09/08/2023... 09-08-2023 file_download
Section allotment of B.Tech 3rd Sem Students 2023... 09-08-2023 file_download
Notice for 2nd year hostel allotment 2023-24... 09-08-2023 file_download
Quotation call notice for Institute Prospectus 2023... 09-08-2023 file_download
Notice for diploma Student Induction Programme (SIP) 2023-24... 08-08-2023 file_download
List of students passing in M.Sc 2022-2023... 08-08-2023 file_download
List of students passing in M.C.A 2022-2023... 08-08-2023 file_download
List of students passing in M.Tech 2022-2023... 08-08-2023 file_download
Notice for Provisional Certificate, Final Grade sheet, CLC and Conduct Certificates of M.Tech/M.Sc/MCA 2022-23... 08-08-2023 file_download
Hostel Allotment notice of Agni Bhawan... 08-08-2023 file_download
Notice for Open Elective allotment of 5th Semester B.Tech 2023-24... 07-08-2023 file_download
Notice for Open Elective allotment of 7th Semester B.Tech 2023-24... 07-08-2023 file_download
Back paper results of 1st Sem B.Tech (All Branches) 2021 admission batch... 07-08-2023 file_download
Back paper results of 1st Sem M.Tech (All Branches) 2021 admission batch... 07-08-2023 file_download
Back paper results of 1st Sem MCA 2021 admission batch... 07-08-2023 file_download
Back paper results of 1st Sem MSc 2021 admission batch... 07-08-2023 file_download
Notice for publication of 1st Sem B.Tech/M.Tech/M.Sc/MCA regular and back exam results 2022-23... 07-08-2023 file_download
Notice for provisional certificates, Final Grade Sheets, CLC and Conduct Certificates of B.Tech 2019 admission batch... 05-08-2023 file_download
B.Tech passout list with honours 2019 admission batch... 05-08-2023 file_download
B.Tech passout list with minor 2019 admission batch... 05-08-2023 file_download
B.Tech passout list without honours and minor 2019 admission batch... 05-08-2023 file_download
Notice for class Start and registration of 3rd Sem M.Tech/MCA/M.Sc 2023-24... 04-08-2023 file_download
Corrigendum notice for registration/re-admission and commencement of classes of Diploma 2023... 04-08-2023 file_download
Notice for hostel reporting of 1st Year diploma students... 04-08-2023 file_download
Notice for re-admission of 3rd & 5th Sem Diploma Students 2023-24... 03-08-2023 file_download
Time table for 1st Sem Diploma bridge course... 03-08-2023 file_download
Notice for back paper registration of 5th Semester Diploma 2023-24... 03-08-2023 file_download
Notice for class Start & registration of B.Tech 3rd Sem ... 02-08-2023 file_download
Time table for 3rd semester B. Tech. and MCA 2023-24... 01-08-2023 file_download
Summary sitting chart for 2nd August 2023 2nd Sem Examination... 01-08-2023 file_download
Updated back paper results (1st to 8th Sem) of B.Tech (Civil Engg.) 2019 admission batch... 31-07-2023 file_download
Updated back paper results (1st to 8th Sem) of B.Tech (Production Engg.) 2019 admission batch... 31-07-2023 file_download
Updated back paper results (1st to 8th Sem) of B.Tech (Mechanical Engg.) 2019 admission batch... 31-07-2023 file_download
Updated back paper results (1st to 8th Sem) of B.Tech (MME) 2019 admission batch... 31-07-2023 file_download
Time table for 3rd semester Diploma 2023-24... 31-07-2023 file_download
Time table for 5th semester Diploma 2023-24... 31-07-2023 file_download
Summary sitting chart for 31st July 2023 2nd Sem Examination... 30-07-2023 file_download
Notice for publication of 8th Semester B.Arch 2019 Admission Batch Results... 28-07-2023 file_download
Provisional grade sheets of B.Arch 8th Sem 2019 admission batch... 28-07-2023 file_download
Induction Programme of Diploma Stream 2023-24... 28-07-2023 file_download
Provisional allotment list of Bhaskar Bhawan for the session 2023-24... 27-07-2023 file_download
Institute will remain closed on 29.07.2023 (Saturday) on account of Muharram instead of 28.07.2023... 27-07-2023 file_download
Provisional list of allotment in brahmos bhawan 2023-24... 27-07-2023 file_download
Notice for odd semester boarders of Agni Bhawan... 26-07-2023 file_download
Summary sitting chart of 24th July 2023 Examination (2nd Sem)... 23-07-2023 file_download
Notice for allotment list of Surya Bhawan for the session 2023-24... 21-07-2023 file_download
Circular for seminar organized by NALCO, Angul... 21-07-2023 file_download
Summary sitting chart of 22nd July 2023 Examination (2nd Sem)... 21-07-2023 file_download
Notice to 5th and 7th sem B.Tech students for attending classes regularly... 20-07-2023 file_download
Notice for mess dues of Agni Bhawan... 19-07-2023 file_download
Summary Sitting chart for 2nd Sem B.Tech Examination dated 20.07.2023... 19-07-2023 file_download
Notice for suspension of classes in the New academic building... 19-07-2023 file_download
Tentative Schedule of the ISRO START Programme- 2023... 17-07-2023 file_download
Notice for choice of Open Elective 5th Sem B.Tech Students 2023-24... 17-07-2023 file_download
Notice for choice of Open Elective 7th Sem B.Tech Students 2023-24... 17-07-2023 file_download
Link for Open Elective B.Tech 5th Sem... 17-07-2023
Link for Open Elective B.Tech 7th Sem... 17-07-2023
Circular for World Youth Skill day celebration... 14-07-2023 file_download
Time table for 5th sem B.Tech 2023-24... 14-07-2023 file_download
Time table for 7th sem B.Tech 2023-24... 14-07-2023 file_download
Results of 3rd Sem Back B.Tech (MME)... 14-07-2023 file_download
Publication notice for results of 3rd Sem B.Tech Regular/ Back Paper Offline Exam 2022-23... 14-07-2023 file_download
Revised schedule for Ph.D Course work Exam 2nd Semester 2022-23... 13-07-2023 file_download
Summary sitting chart for 4th Sem B.Tech Examination dated 14.07.2023... 13-07-2023 file_download
Notice for Mess Dues of Rohini Bhawan Boarders. 13-07-2023 file_download
Notice for Class start and Registration of 5th/7th Semester B.Tech... 13-07-2023 file_download
Schedule for 2nd Sem B.Tech/M.Tech/M.Sc/M.C.A regular/back paper examination 2022-23... 12-07-2023 file_download
Even Sem Back Paper Registration of 6th/4th/2nd Sem B.Tech & B.Arch , 4th & 2nd Sem M.Sc and MCA and 2nd Sem M.Tech under BPUT System... 12-07-2023 file_download
Link for even sem Back Paper Registration under BPUT system... 12-07-2023
Summary sitting chart for 4th Sem B.Tech Examination dated 12.07.2023... 11-07-2023 file_download
Notice for new hostel allotment of 3rd Year B.Tech and 2nd Year M.C.A Students... 10-07-2023 file_download
Notice for back paper Registration of 2nd Sem B.Tech 2020 & 2021 Admission Batch through ERP... 10-07-2023 file_download
Revised summary sitting chart for 4th Sem B.Tech Examination dated 10.07.2023... 09-07-2023 file_download
Results of 3rd/4th Sem M.Tech (Back Paper) 2020 admission batch... 08-07-2023 file_download
Summary Sitting chart for 4th Sem B.Tech Examination dated 07.07.2023... 06-07-2023 file_download
Updated results of 8th Sem B.Tech ETC Engineering 2019 batch published under downloads section... 06-07-2023
Results of 2nd Sem Back Paper (M.Tech All Streams)... 05-07-2023 file_download
Results of 2nd Sem Back Paper MCA... 05-07-2023 file_download
Results of 2nd Sem Back Paper (M.Sc Physics)... 05-07-2023 file_download
Results of 4th Sem Back Paper (M.C.A) 2020 admission batch... 05-07-2023 file_download
Results of 4th Sem Back Paper (M.Sc Physics)... 05-07-2023 file_download
Publication of 2nd/4th Semester MTech, MSc, MCA Regular/Back Paper Examination 2022-23... 05-07-2023 file_download
Notice for Freshers Admission Diploma 1st Year Students 2023-24... 04-07-2023 file_download
Results of 9th Sem B.Arch 2018 admission Batch... 03-07-2023 file_download
Results of 10th Sem B.Arch 2018 admission Batch... 03-07-2023 file_download
Results of 4th Sem B.Tech (Electrical Engg.) 2019 admission Batch... 03-07-2023 file_download
Results of 5th Sem B.Tech (Electrical Engg.) 2019 admission Batch... 03-07-2023 file_download
Results of 5th Sem B.Tech (Production Engg.) 2019 admission Batch... 03-07-2023 file_download
Publication notice for 8th sem B.Tech, 8th/9th/10th Sem B. Arch, 6th sem B.Tech back 2019 adm batch... 03-07-2023 file_download
Notice for conduct of 2nd Sem B.Tech/M.Tech/M.Sc/M.C.A regular and Back Paper Examination 2022-23... 03-07-2023 file_download
Circular for conduct of Space Science and Technology Awareness Training (START)... 30-06-2023 file_download
Notice for even sem back paper registration of 2nd Sem B.Tech (2021 & 2020 Admission Batch)... 30-06-2023 file_download
Link for even sem back paper registration B.Tech 2021 and 2020 admission batch... 30-06-2023
Notice for 2nd Internal Class Test of 2nd Sem M.Tech/M.Sc... 28-06-2023 file_download
Notice for even Sem Regular Registration of 2nd Semester B.Tech/M.Tech/M.C.A/M.Sc... 28-06-2023 file_download
Link for even semester regular Registration of 2nd Semester... 28-06-2023
Notice for New Hostel Allotment of B.Tech/B.Arch/M.C.A Boys... 27-06-2023 file_download
Programme for Class Test-II of 2nd Sem B.Tech/M.C.A 2022-23... 26-06-2023 file_download
Notice for Student editing their Profile Data through ERP Portal... 26-06-2023 file_download
Notice for receiving of Pass Certificate of B.Tech/M.Tech/M.C.A/M.Sc 2021 passout students... 24-06-2023 file_download
Schedule for 4th Sem Regular/Back Paper Examination 2022-23... 18-06-2023 file_download
Notice for conduct of 4th Sem B.Tech Regular/Back Paper Examination 2022-23... 16-06-2023 file_download
Publication notice of 3rd semester Regular M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc exam results. Refer Downloads Section... 06-06-2023 file_download
Notice for B.Tech 4th Semester students availing Bank Loan... 05-06-2023 file_download
Notice for Even Semester Back Paper Registration of B.Tech 8th Sem, B.Arch 8th & 10th Sem & M.C.A 6th Sem (Old Course) under BPUT, System... 05-06-2023 file_download
Link for Even Sem Back Paper Registration of B.Tech 8th Sem, B.Arch 8th & 10th Sem & M.C.A 6th MCA Students under BPUT, System... 05-06-2023
Academic Calendar 2023-24... 01-06-2023 file_download
Notice for registration of B.Tech 4th Semester... 30-05-2023 file_download
Link for registration of B.Tech 4th Sem... 30-05-2023
Publication notice of 5th semester Regular B.Tech exam results 2020 admission batch. Refer Downloads Section... 24-05-2023 file_download
Even Semester regular registration of 4th Sem B.Tech.... 13-05-2023 file_download
Programme for Class Test-I of 2nd Semester B.Tech/M.C.A 2022-23... 13-05-2023 file_download
Schedule of 4th sem regular/back paper Exam of M.Sc/M.C.A and 4th sem back paper Exam of B.Tech 2022-23... 11-05-2023 file_download
Schedule of 4th sem regular/back paper Exam of M.Sc/M.C.A and 4th sem back paper Exam of B.Tech 2022-23... 11-05-2023 file_download
Schedule of 2nd semester back paper exam of B.Tech/M.Tech/M.Sc/M.C.A 2022-23.. 11-05-2023 file_download
Summary sitting chart of 10th May 2023 Examination (6th Sem B.Tech/B.Arch Regular/Back)... 10-05-2023 file_download
List of pass out students of B.Tech/M.Tech 2017, B.Tech/M.Tech/M.C.A 2018, MTech 2019 admission batch... 09-05-2023 file_download
Notice for Even Sem Regular Registration of 4th Sem M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc... 04-05-2023 file_download
Notice for 4th sem regular exam M.Tech, M.Sc, M.C.A and 2nd and 4th semester Back Paper Exam B.Tech, M.Tech, M.Sc, M.C.A 2022-23... 02-05-2023 file_download
Notice for Class Suspension in New Academic Building due to Summer Examination of 6th & 8th semester B.Tech/B.Arch 2023... 02-05-2023 file_download
Corrigendum Notice for Class Test-II of 4th Sem B.Tech/M.C.A 2022-23... 01-05-2023 file_download
Notice for Even Sem Back Paper Registration of 2nd Sem M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc under IGIT, Autonomy... 01-05-2023 file_download
Programme for Class Test-II of 4th Semester B.Tech/M.C.A students 2022-23... 28-04-2023 file_download
Notice regarding Student Discipline... 27-04-2023 file_download
Notice for Mess advance of Akash Bhawan.. 27-04-2023 file_download
Updated Back Paper results of 2019 admission batch B.Tech Production Engg. (4th to 7th semester)... 27-04-2023 file_download
Final schedule of B.Tech 8th sem regular/back examination 2022-23... 26-04-2023 file_download
Updated results of B.Tech ETC Engineering Back paper students 2019 admission batch (3rd to 7th Semester)... 25-04-2023 file_download
Updated results of 9th Sem B.Arch 2018 admission batch... 22-04-2023 file_download
Publication of B.Arch Results (1st-8th Sem) 2018 admission batch under download section... 22-04-2023
Schedule of 6th Sem B.Tech/B.Arch Regular/Back Paper Examination 2022-23... 21-04-2023 file_download
Schedule of 10th Sem B.Arch Regular/Back Paper Examination 2022-23... 21-04-2023 file_download
Schedule of 8th Sem B.Arch Regular/Back Paper Examination 2022-23... 21-04-2023 file_download
Results of B.Arch 7th Sem 2019 admission batch have been published under Downloads Section... 20-04-2023
Notice for Cultural Events (B.Tech/M.Tech/MCA/M.Sc)... 17-04-2023 file_download
Notice for Cultural Events (Diploma)... 17-04-2023 file_download
Notice for conduct of 6th & 8th Sem B.Tech and B.Arch and 10th Sem B.Arch Regular/ Back paper examination 2022-23... 17-04-2023 file_download
Notice for Annual Literary Magazine-Technoquest 22... 13-04-2023 file_download
Notice for MEMOIRS-2023... 13-04-2023 file_download
Notice for Form Fill up for 2nd, 4th & 6th Semester (Regular & Ex-Regular) Diploma Summer Examination 2023... 12-04-2023 file_download
Notice for extension date of Post Matric Scholarship 2022-23... 11-04-2023 file_download
Even Sem Back Paper Registration of B.Tech/B.Arch/M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc under Autonomy System... 10-04-2023 file_download
Link for Back paper registration under Autonomy system... 10-04-2023
Notice for publication of 7th sem regular exam results of B.Tech/ B.Arch 2019 admission batch. Refer Downloads... 06-04-2023 file_download
Results of B.Tech 1st Sem Back Paper exam 2019 admission batch... 06-04-2023 file_download
Results of B.Tech 2nd Sem Back Paper exam 2019 admission batch... 06-04-2023 file_download
Results of B.Tech 3rd Sem Back Paper exam 2019 admission batch... 06-04-2023 file_download
Results of B.Tech 4th Sem Back Paper exam 2019 admission batch... 06-04-2023 file_download
Results of B.Tech 5th Sem Back Paper exam 2019 admission batch... 06-04-2023 file_download
Results of B.Tech 6th Sem Back Paper exam 2019 admission batch... 06-04-2023 file_download
Notice for mess advance of 2nd sem students of Akash Bhawan... 05-04-2023 file_download
Notice for Diploma Branch Change 2022-23... 05-04-2023 file_download
Notice for deposition of Mess dues of Prithvi Bhawan Boarders... 05-04-2023 file_download
Programme for Class Test-II of 6th/8th/10th sem B.Tech/B.Arch 2022-23... 04-04-2023 file_download
Notice for deposition of Mess dues of 2nd Sem B.Tech/MCA & Diploma students of Rohini Bhawan Boarders... 03-04-2023 file_download
Corrigendum Notice for Diploma Branch Change 2022-23... 28-03-2023 file_download
Notice for Diploma Branch Change 2022-23... 20-03-2023 file_download
Notice regarding Re-admission of 2nd Sem Diploma Students 2022-23... 20-03-2023 file_download
Notice regarding class start of 2nd Sem B.Tech/M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc 2022-23... 20-03-2023 file_download
Notice for back paper registration of 1st Sem Practical & Sessional subjects under IGIT, Autonomy... 20-03-2023 file_download
Notice regarding Editing of Student Profile data through ERP Login... 20-03-2023 file_download
Notice regarding class start of Diploma 2nd Sem 2022-23... 20-03-2023 file_download
Sitting arrangement for 1st Sem Examination (20th march 2023)... 17-03-2023 file_download
Grade Sheets (1st-6th Sem) of B.Tech Chemical Engg.2019 admission batch... 17-03-2023
Grade Sheets (1st-6th Sem) of B.Tech Civil Engg.2019 admission batch... 17-03-2023
Grade Sheets (1st-6th Sem) of B.Tech CSE 2019 admission batch... 17-03-2023
Grade Sheets (1st-6th Sem) of B.Tech Electrical Engg.2019 admission batch... 17-03-2023
Grade Sheets (1st-6th Sem) of B.Tech ETC Engg.2019 admission batch... 17-03-2023
Grade Sheets (1st-6th Sem) of B.Tech Mechanical Engg.2019 admission batch... 17-03-2023
Grade Sheets (1st-6th Sem) of B.Tech MME 2019 admission batch... 17-03-2023
Grade Sheets (1st-6th Sem) of B.Tech Production Engg.2019 admission batch... 17-03-2023
Time table for 2nd semester Diploma 2022-23... 17-03-2023 file_download
Time table for 2nd semester B. Tech 2022-23... 17-03-2023 file_download
Sitting arrangement for 1st Sem Examination (17 March 2023)... 16-03-2023 file_download
Celebration of Utkal Divas on 1st April 2023... 14-03-2023 file_download
Sitting arrangement for 1st Sem Examination (15 March 2023)... 14-03-2023 file_download
Sitting arrangement for 1st Sem Examination (13th March 2023)... 11-03-2023 file_download
Sitting arrangement for 1st Sem Examination (10th March 2023).. 09-03-2023 file_download
Notice regarding suspension of Classes of all 1st Sem B.Tech/M.Tech/MCA/M.Sc Students 2022-23... 09-03-2023 file_download
Notice regarding Celebration of Happy Holi... 06-03-2023 file_download
Revised Programme for Class Test-I of 4th Sem B.Tech/M.C.A Students 2022-23... 04-03-2023 file_download
Notice for Roll sheet of all 1st year students 2022-2023... 02-03-2023 file_download
Roll Sheet of B. Tech 1st Year 2022-23... 02-03-2023 file_download
Roll Sheet of M.Sc 1st Year 2022-23... 02-03-2023 file_download
Roll Sheet of M.Tech 1st Year 2022-2023... 02-03-2023 file_download
Roll Sheet of B.Tech (LE) 2022-2023... 02-03-2023 file_download
Schedule for 1st Sem B.Tech, B.Arch, M.C.A, M.Tech, M.Sc Regular/ Back Paper Offline Examination 2022-23... 02-03-2023 file_download
Schedule for PhD Coursework Examination 2022-23... 02-03-2023 file_download
Odd Sem Back Paper Registration of 1st, 3rd & 5th sem B.Tech/B.Arch/MCA/M.Tech/M.Sc students under BPUT System... 28-02-2023 file_download
Link for Back Paper Registration under BPUT System... 28-02-2023
Notice for National Science Day Celebration on 28.02.2023... 27-02-2023 file_download
Notice for nomination of different Societies/Clubs/Association.. 27-02-2023 file_download
Notice for conduct of 1st sem back paper examination for M.Tech/M.Sc/M.C.A 2018 and 2019 admission batch and 1st sem PhD course work exam of 2022 admission batch... 24-02-2023 file_download
Notice for Odd Sem Back Paper Registration of 1st Sem M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc under IGIT Autonomy... 23-02-2023 file_download
Link for odd sem back paper registration of 1st Sem M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc... 23-02-2023
Notice for Student Members of IIEC... 23-02-2023 file_download
Celebration of National Science Day on 28.02.2023... 23-02-2023 file_download
Google Form Link for Quiz competition... 23-02-2023
Google Form Link for Group Discussion competition... 23-02-2023
Notice for conduct of 1st sem Regular/ Back paper Examination of B.Tech/M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc 2022-23... 22-02-2023 file_download
Notice to all hostel boarders regarding Prohibition to River and Jungle area... 21-02-2023 file_download
Odd Semester Back Paper Registration of 1st Sem B.Tech/M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc students under IGIT, Autonomy 2022-23... 21-02-2023 file_download
Corrigendum Notice for Class Test-II of 1st Semester B.Tech/M.C.A Students... 20-02-2023 file_download
Notice regarding Readmission of 4th & 6th sem Diploma 2022-23... 16-02-2023 file_download
Circular for IIEC Orientation Programme on 16/02/2023... 15-02-2023 file_download
Time table for 4th semester Diploma 2022-23... 13-02-2023 file_download
Time table for 6th semester Diploma 2022-23... 13-02-2023 file_download
Grade sheets of 4th semester B.Tech 2020 admission batch are available in their institute ERP portal login... 13-02-2023
Programme for class Test-II of 1st Sem B.Tech and M.C.A Students 2022-23... 10-02-2023 file_download
Programme for class Test-1 of 6th/8th & 10th B.Tech and B.Arch Students 2022-23... 10-02-2023 file_download
Link for registration process of Career Development Cell... 09-02-2023
Academic Calendar for the session 2022-23... 09-02-2023 file_download
Notice for student registration process of 1st year B.Tech/M.Tech/MCA/M.Sc students 2022-23... 09-02-2023 file_download
Revised 4th semester time table for B.Tech 2022-23... 08-02-2023 file_download
Result of 1st semester back paper M.Tech 2020 admission batch... 08-02-2023 file_download
Result of 2nd semester back paper M.Tech (CSE) 2020 admission batch... 08-02-2023 file_download
Notice for even semester (4th/6th Diploma) boarders of Agni Bhawan... 07-02-2023 file_download
Notice regarding student update data through ERP Portal... 03-02-2023 file_download
Notice regarding reallocation of rooms due to Odd Semester Diploma Regular Examination 2022... 02-02-2023 file_download
Notice for Shortage of Attendance... 02-02-2023 file_download
Notice for allotment of 4th Semester Open Elective course... 01-02-2023 file_download
Notice for allotment of 6th Semester Open Elective course... 01-02-2023 file_download
Notice for Live Telecast of Final Match of FIH Odisha Hockey Mens World Cup 2023... 28-01-2023 file_download
Notice for Odd sem Back Paper Registration of 7th Sem B.Tech & 7th/9th Sem B.Arch under BPUT system... 27-01-2023 file_download
Link for Odd sem back paper registration 7th B.Tech and 7th/9th B.Arch... 27-01-2023
Notice for Cricket Exhibition match on 26.01.2023... 25-01-2023 file_download
Notice for Form Fillup of 1st Sem (Regular and Ex-Regular) Diploma winter examination 2022... 25-01-2023 file_download
Notice regarding student updating data through ERP Portal... 24-01-2023 file_download
Notice regarding registration in Idea Innovation and Entrepreneurship Cell... 24-01-2023 file_download
Link for registration in Idea Innovation and Entrepreneurship Cell... 24-01-2023
Publication of 4th sem B.Tech results of 2020 admission batch.Refer Downloads section... 24-01-2023 file_download
Notice for deposition of Mess Advance of 4th Sem B.Tech/M.C.A, 4th & 6th Sem Diploma Rohini Bhawan Boarders 2023... 22-01-2023 file_download
Notice for Live Telecast Matches of FIH Odisha Hockey Men's World Cup 2023... 19-01-2023 file_download
Notice for registration and Class Start of 4th Sem B.Tech/M.C.A/M.Tech/M.Sc 2022-23... 17-01-2023 file_download
Notice for Open Elective choice 4th Semester B.Tech 2022-23... 17-01-2023 file_download
Link for 4th Semester Open Elective 2022-23... 17-01-2023
Notice for Open Elective choice 6th Semester 2022-23... 17-01-2023 file_download
Link for 6th Sem Open Elective 2022-23... 17-01-2023
Time Table for 4th semester B.Tech. 2022-23... 16-01-2023 file_download
Live Telecast Matches of FIH Odisha Hockey Men World Cup 2023... 13-01-2023 file_download
Institute will remain closed on 11/01/2023 after 3.00 PM due to Opening Ceremony of FIH Odisha Hockey Men World Cup-2023... 11-01-2023 file_download
Notice regarding mess advance deposit of Surya Bhawan boarders... 10-01-2023 file_download
Notice for deposition of Mess Advance of even sem Prithvi Bhawan Boarders 2023... 09-01-2023 file_download
Notice regarding mess advance deposit of Brahmos Bhawan boarders... 09-01-2023 file_download
Notice for ST & SC Post Matric Scholarship 2022-23... 09-01-2023 file_download
Notice regarding Post Matric Scholarship of all ST, SC, OBC/SEBC and EBC Reverted students 2022-23... 09-01-2023 file_download
Notice regarding Suspension of Classes in New Academic Building due to 3rd Semester Regular Examination... 09-01-2023 file_download
Letter of Appreciation for making FIH hockey Men world cup Trophy reception-2023 a grand success... 09-01-2023 file_download
Notice for Bhaskar Bhawan Mess Advance 6th Sem 2023... 07-01-2023 file_download
Notice regarding suspension of regular classes of all UG/PG/Diploma due to receiving the FIH Hockey World Cup Trophy-2023... 06-01-2023 file_download
Notice regarding Information of Diploma 1st Year Students 2022-23... 05-01-2023 file_download
Link for providing information of 1st year Diploma students 2022-23... 05-01-2023
Corrigendum notice for registration of 6th/8th/10th Semester B.Tech/B.Arch Students 2022-23... 05-01-2023 file_download
Updated results of B.Tech 2019 admission batch CSE (3rd to 6th sem) and Mech. Engg. (2nd to 6th Sem) available under downloads.. 05-01-2023
Notice regarding Regular classes of all B.Tech 1st Year/3rd year & Final Year students 2022-23.... 04-01-2023 file_download
Celebration of FIH Hockey World Cup Trophy-2023 at IGIT, Sarang on 06/01/2023... 04-01-2023 file_download
Celebration of FIH Hockey Mens World Cup Trophy-2023 at IGIT, Sarang... 03-01-2023 file_download
Class Start & Registration of 6th/8th/10th Semester B.Tech/B.Arch 2022-23... 03-01-2023 file_download