ଇନ୍ଦିରା ଗାନ୍ଧୀ ବୈଷୟିକ ଅନୁଷ୍ଠାନ, ସରାଙ୍ଗ
An Autonomous Institute of Govt. of Odisha


Title Date Download
List of eligible/Non-eligible firms for Financial bid opening of tender no. IGIT/ME/598 dated 19.11.2024... 27-12-2024 file_download
Corrigendum for tender call no.IGIT/ME/602, dated 18.11.2024... 26-12-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for procurement and installation of three phase diesel generator set... 26-12-2024 file_download
Corrigendum for tender call no.IGIT/ME/601, dated 19.11.2024... 17-12-2024 file_download
Corrigendum notice for tender no.IGIT/ME/600 dated 19.11.2024... 12-12-2024 file_download
Tender call for Maintenance and other misc. work for Machine Dynamics Lab... 12-12-2024 file_download
Tender for Installation of Furniture and other misc. items for Machine Dynamics Lab... 12-12-2024 file_download
Circular for Technical Bid opening of tenders no.IGIT/ME/599, IGIT/ME/601 dated 19.11.2024... 11-12-2024 file_download
Corrigendum notice for tender no.IGIT/ME/598 dated 19.11.2024... 11-12-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for supply and fitting of LED street light... 10-12-2024 file_download
Notification for financial bid opening for tender (ref: IGIT/ME/578)... 09-12-2024 file_download
Corrigendum notice for engagement of hire vehicle against notice no. IGIT/Estt/1054,dated-19.11.2024... 07-12-2024 file_download
ATAL FDP on Sustainable Manufacturing and Advanced Automation in Industries and NOC format... 05-12-2024 file_download
Advertisement for Project Fellow Chemical Engineering Dept under Odisha-DST... 03-12-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for printing & stationary items... 03-12-2024 file_download
RFP for purchase of items for Mechatronics and Robotics laboratory... 02-12-2024 file_download
Quotation call notice for repairing of Akash Bhawan D.G... 28-11-2024 file_download
RFP for Purchase & installation of Furnitures for Thermal Engg Lab... 23-11-2024 file_download
RFP for Purchase & installation of CCTV camera in the department of Mechanical Engineering..... 23-11-2024 file_download
Quotation Call notice for Hiring of Vehicle... 19-11-2024 file_download
Tender call for maintenance and other works for CAD Centre (Mech Engg)... 19-11-2024 file_download
RFP for purchase of items for old seminar room (Mech Engg)... 19-11-2024 file_download
RFP for purchase and installation of CNC Lathe... 19-11-2024 file_download
RFP for purchase and installation of items for Metrology and Ind Engg laboratory... 19-11-2024 file_download
RFP for Purchase of Items for Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Lab... 19-11-2024 file_download
Tender call for purchase & installation of Biometric facial Machines for Biometric Attendance System (BAS)... 18-11-2024 file_download
Tender call for maintenance and other work for the Advanced Materials Processing and Measurement Lab... 11-11-2024 file_download
Tender call for maintenance and other work for the Material Testing Laboratory... 11-11-2024 file_download
RFP for Purchase & installation of Equipments in the Department of Mechanical Engg... 11-11-2024 file_download
Notice for empanelment of vendors for supply of books of Central Library... 04-11-2024 file_download
Eligible/Not eligible list for the BAS tender for the Financial Bid... 02-11-2024 file_download
Corrigendum notice for printing of Institute Magazine and Memoirs... 02-11-2024 file_download
Corrigendum for opening date of tender No. IGIT/PA/508, dated:27-09-2024... 28-10-2024 file_download
List of eligible /not eligible bidder for opening of Financial Bid with reference to IGIT/CDC-01/196 dated 12.09.2024... 28-10-2024 file_download
Corrigendum notice for BAS tender no. IGIT/BAS/04, dated 12.09.2024... 28-10-2024 file_download
Link for Freshers Reporting... 22-10-2024
Notice for Institute level Spot Admission against vacant seats... 18-10-2024 file_download
Selection list of Apprentices under National Apprenticeship Training Scheme... 12-10-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for light replacement/ repair in lab, corridor classroom and office (ETC)... 09-10-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for toilet renovation of D type and DR type QTRS No. D01, D05, DR02... 09-10-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for renovation works of HOD chamber (Mechanical Engg)... 09-10-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for P/F of door and window in different type QTRS... 09-10-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for painting works of wire mess fence and gates of staff quarters... 09-10-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for painting of MS grill gate, wire mess fencing and staff quarters numbering... 09-10-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for construction of aquaguard room near Akash Bhawan and New academic building... 09-10-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for cleaning of overhead water tank of institute building... 09-10-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for cleaning water tank of staff quarters... 09-10-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for cleaning of overhead water tank of hostels... 09-10-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for additional work required to install chimney in Brahmos bhawan kitchen area... 09-10-2024 file_download
Walk-in-interview for engagement of Part Time Guest Faculties in English/Physics... 09-10-2024 file_download
Corrigendum notice for opening date of quotation (ref IGIT/CDC-01/194)... 01-10-2024 file_download
Tender call for designing, supply and printing of Annual Magazine and Memoirs... 30-09-2024 file_download
Tender call for procurement, supply, installation and operational of automatic chapati making machine... 28-09-2024 file_download
Advertisement for engagement of Apprentices-Graduate and Technician Apprentices... 18-09-2024 file_download
Tender call for demolish of dilapidated and unsafe building... 17-09-2024 file_download
Request for Proposal (RFP) for appointment of professional service provider for the Computer Centre... 16-09-2024 file_download
Request for Proposal for appointment of professional service provider for the Biometric Attendance System (BAS) with software... 16-09-2024 file_download
Notice for institute level Spot Admission against Vacant Seats... 14-09-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Servie Provider... 13-09-2024 file_download
Notice for 1st year boys hostel (Akash Bhawan) allotment 2024-25... 12-09-2024 file_download
Notice for Payment to Differential Amount after sliding 2024-25 through ERP... 12-09-2024 file_download
Notice for reporting of candidates for Final Admission into 1st year B.Tech (SPOT) programme for the AY 2024-25... 12-09-2024 file_download
Congratulations Koushik Mohanty for selection through our recruitment drive... 12-09-2024
Congratulations Nishant Kumar Behera for selection through our recruitment drive... 12-09-2024
Congratulations Aditya Patnaik for selection through our recruitment drive... 12-09-2024
Congratulations Kunal Kumar Jena for selection through our recruitment drive... 12-09-2024
Congratulations Subhasis Patra for selection through our recruitment drive... 12-09-2024
Notice for rohini bhawan hostel allotment (MCA/B.Tech girls) 2024-25... 12-09-2024 file_download
Quotation call for Placement Brochure... 11-09-2024 file_download
Vacant Seats for Admission into B.Tech (LE), MCA, M.Tech & M.Tech (PT) for the AY 2024-25... 11-09-2024 file_download
Quotation call for customized platform for online notice system... 11-09-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for painting works of trees on roadside... 11-09-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for cleaning and painting works of park near old canteen... 11-09-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for renovation works of Qtrs no. C/05 and C/06... 11-09-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for Gardening and lawn maintenance services... 11-09-2024 file_download
Notice for fees payment of Spot B.Tech... 11-09-2024 file_download
Vacancy Position for B.Tech Spot Admission 2024-25... 10-09-2024 file_download
Link for Spot Admission B.Tech 2024-25... 10-09-2024
Notification for newly allotted Branch after Sliding B.Tech 2024-25... 10-09-2024 file_download
Spot Admission for Vacant Seats in B.Tech Course for the AY 2024-25 of IGIT, Sarang... 09-09-2024 file_download
Rank List of M.Sc (Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry & Applied Mathematics) for the AY 2024-25... 09-09-2024 file_download
Counseling for Admission into two years Regular M.Sc Programme 2024-25... 09-09-2024 file_download
Corrigendum of opening of RFP (Financial Bid) of tender letter number IGIT/PA/329/330, Dated 11/07/2024... 06-09-2024 file_download
Extension of date for expression of Interest for Supply of Digital Language Communication Laboratory along with Hardware , Software, Furniture, Networking... 02-09-2024 file_download
Notice for reporting of Candidates for Final Admission into 1st year B.Tech Programme for the AY 2024-25... 29-08-2024 file_download
Issues related to institute ERP may be reported to [email protected]. Mention your unique id and Ph. no. in the mail... 29-08-2024
Corrigendum notice for Online Anti-Ragging... 29-08-2024 file_download
Link for Anti ragging affidavit form... 29-08-2024
Notice regarding Fee Structure for B.Tech/MCA/M.Tech Students... 27-08-2024 file_download
Notice for reporting of candidates for Final Admission into 1st Year MCA/M.Tech Programme for the AY 2024-25... 22-08-2024 file_download
Tender call for Supply of Multifunctional printer, desktop, split AC and stabilizer... 12-08-2024 file_download
Tender call for website design, development and maintenance of Alumni association... 12-08-2024 file_download
Notice for Diploma Stream Spot admission 2024-25... 03-08-2024 file_download
Expression of Interest for supply of Digital Language... 30-07-2024 file_download
Reporting of candidates for Final Admission into 3rd sem (LE), B.Tech Programme for the Academic Session 2024-25... 23-07-2024 file_download
Tender call for purchase of equipment for the project sponsored from the SERB, New Delhi, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering... 13-07-2024 file_download
Advertisement for JRF in the department of Mechanical Engg... 12-07-2024 file_download
Addendum to tender call notice letter number IGIT/PA/159, Dated 11/03/2024... 11-07-2024 file_download
Walk-in-interview for engagement of Part Time Guest Faculties... 05-07-2024 file_download
Corrigendum to Tender Call No. 492 (A), dated:19-06-2024... 02-07-2024 file_download
Quotation Call Notice for Institute Prospectus... 28-06-2024 file_download
Corrigendum to Tender Call No. IGIT/Dip/249, date:07-03-2024... 28-06-2024 file_download
Quotation Call for Health Centre, IGIT, Sarang... 24-06-2024 file_download
Notice for Diploma Admission 2024-25... 22-06-2024 file_download
Corrigendum notice for M.Sc Admission Payment 2024... 15-06-2024 file_download
Link for M.Sc admission 2024-2025... 12-06-2024
Advertisement for Admission into Regular Two-Year Master of Science (M.Sc) Programme-2024... 10-06-2024 file_download
Last date for receipt of the Tender document (Technical & Financial Bid) is extended to Dt: 27/04/2024, 4.30 P.M... 20-04-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for construction of cut-off wall with laying paver block near administrative block... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for development of area near metallurgy department... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for development of area around newly constructed dustbin... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for development of area near back side of administrative building... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for electrical connection and installation power and energy system lab... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for electrification works near administrative building... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for repair and colour washing works of old building... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for estimating repair renovation work in Agni Bhawan East block... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for supplying and fixing of syntax water tank near dome... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for making of plinth protection along flooring works of Brahmos Bhawan... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for modification of washroom inside institute building... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for interior works of Evaluation Centre... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for repair and colour washing of new academic building... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for repair and colour washing of administrative building... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for repair and colour washing of Brahmos Bhawan... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for interior works of Seminar Room... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for interior works of Training and Placement Cell... 15-03-2024 file_download
Tender call for purchase of equipment for the project sponsored from state council on Science and Technology... 12-03-2024 file_download
Tender for Procurement and Installation of MATLAB Campus Wide License... 09-03-2024 file_download
Corrigendum to tender call notice no.IGIT/EM/50 dated 16.02.2024... 26-02-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for M.S Window grill & Collapsible shutter near evaluation hall... 21-02-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for making of aristic dustbin in institute campus & college area... 21-02-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for construction of 11/0.4 kV substation for power supply to 600 seated girls hostel... 21-02-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for construction of boundary wall with C.C bamboo design concrete structure & OH tank(PH) works of children park inside campus... 21-02-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for special repair to staff quarters no.D12... 21-02-2024 file_download
Tender call notice for renovation works of seminar hall (Production Engg.department)... 21-02-2024 file_download
Notice for open auction of items (Electrical Engg Department)... 13-02-2024 file_download
Quotation call for Aadhar based Biometric Attendance System Machines... 05-02-2024 file_download
Tender call for Renovation of Knowledge Centre and Central computing centre (CSEA)... 05-02-2024 file_download
Advertisement for engagement of Apprentices under the Apprentices Act - Graduate and Technician Apprentices... 01-02-2024 file_download
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Project fellow in the Department of Civil Engineering... 22-01-2024 file_download
Tender call for supply of Sports Items... 22-01-2024 file_download
Tender call for supply of Multistage Fluidized Bed Reactor (Fabricated) to Chemical Engg Dept... 13-01-2024 file_download
Tender call Notice for supply and installation of Items for Central Library... 11-01-2024 file_download
Walk-in-Interview for Engagement of Library Professional Trainees... 04-01-2024 file_download
Advertisement for the supply of Lab Grade Chemicals, Glassware & Safety gears to Chemical Engineering Department... 03-01-2024 file_download
Tender call for supply of lab grade chemicals, glasswares and safety gears... 03-01-2024 file_download